Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sorry about the no posts

Hey there everybody......or anybody who still checks this. I have neglected to update my blog for almost a month now, not because nothing has been happening but for a few other reasons. One of the main reasons for the lack of blog posts has been my involvement in a little something called It's on this site that one can keep in touch with all kinds of people that one's met through their life. I've reconnected with quite a number of old friends. It's also a place to post a number of pictures and so that has been something that I've spent some time on. So anyone not on facebook that's interested can e-mail me and I'll send them an invite. Be warned however, facebook is known to be a time-sucking vortex.
The big news right now is that my beautiful bride and I are moving at the end of the month to North Carolina. We're both excited to be getting out of Michigan and I'm super excited to be moving somewhere that has mountains!! We're headed down there next weekend to hopefully lock up an apartment in the Asheville area. So keep us in your prayers.
Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to keep the one or two of you that still check this thing posted better on the events that transpire over the next couple weeks.

1 comment:

The Sénéchals said...

I still check although I just got the news from your Mom! So nice to visit them and see all your wedding pics. Best of luck in NC!